The latest happenings with The Performer’s Mindset.
Joe Towne launches Season One of ‘The Better Podcast’
The new show, inspired by Towne’s own acclaimed The Performer’s Mindset workshops, will feature longform conversations with leading experts across film, television, sports, science, and music on the road to success & progress on one’s own terms
Joe Towne & Matt Lillard talk Actors Mindset
Joe Towne and Matt Lillard were guests on Storyteller Studio Live a TV show produced by Christopher Bennet (formerly of TedX Vancouver) for VFS/Telus. To see the full show click here.
That One Audition
Joe Towne and Hillary Tuck appear on a bonus episode of That One Audition, a podcast with host Alyshia Ochse. Her podcast is humorous, educational and inspirational. It’s a must listen for those interested in learning from your favorite favorite on-screen storytellers and Hollywood influencers about what they have learned along their artistic journeys.
Elite 11 2018
We were invited to speak to the top 24 high school quarterbacks in the country. These talented young athletes were gathered together as part of the Elite 11, a national annual competition sponsored, in part, by Nike. They were received comprehensive training of their craft, but additionally they received training on authenticity, mindfulness training, and discovering who they are as humans outside of being athletes. We were brought in to speak to these young athletes about what it means to perform on the world stage. The entire process is televised on YouTube and the full documentary ended up on the NFL Network. You can see a clip here.
The Yogi Roth Show
Formerly known as the Life Without Limits podcast, host Yogi Roth seeks to uncover the humanity in Sports around the globe. Joe has guested on his podcast several times, but this episode touches on both the experience Yogi had in the Actors Mindset program and some of what was explored at the Elite 11 event, all from a train station in southern Spain (San Sebastian.)
The Aquila Studio
Joe and Hillary are bringing The Actors Mindset to The Aquila Studio in early 2019. More details coming soon.