

The way we do small things is the way we do all things. Train accordingly.


Panel Discussion

Weekend Masterclass


One Percent Better:
Cultivating a Growth Mindset


Only feel like you are doing your best work when you’re booking?

Get overwhelmed with nerves when a big job is on the line? 

Find yourself constantly wondering what decision makers are thinking of you?

We hear you. But it doesn’t have to be this way…

Getting Into Creative Flow


Find yourself chasing an old experience where your work felt amazing?

Prepare a lot, but find when you get to go time, your work doesn’t show up for you?

Feel like you are constantly getting distracted by technical demands when you’re in an audition room or on-set?

We hear you. But it doesn’t have to be this way…

The Pregame Ritual


Immediately start psyching yourself out the moment you reach the waiting room?

Get confused why you don’t feel at your best walking into the room?

Battle anxiety and nerves to the point that doing your best work feels impossible?

This is normal. But it doesn’t have to be this way…

Script Analysis for the 21st Century


Worry about how to make your audition “stand out”?

Feel like script analysis is something you need to get through before getting to the work you really enjoy?

Find yourself feeling like something is always missing from your work that coaches, casting directors, and teachers are pointing out to you that you wonder why you didn’t see sooner?

This is normal. But it doesn’t have to be this way…

Words Words Words: Beyond Memorization


Hate memorizing Lines?

Worry that the words won’t be there for you when the scene begins?

Spend so much time reviewing your script, over and over again to the point where you know them but feel no creative juice? 

This is normal. But it doesn’t have to be this way

Post Game


Walk out of the room and immediately start scanning for what went wrong?

Replay the experience over and over again trying to make sense of how it went?

Dread the phone calls or lack thereof while trying to get back into the flow of life?

This is normal. But it doesn’t have to be this way…


The Artist’s Mindset @ PAONE

The Mindset Team spent several days with an alliance of Artist Educators based in and around Ontario, Canada. The Professional Arts Organization Network for Education (PAONE) brought in the team to support individuals and groups seeking Mindset tools for their craft and their facilitation of artists but also their lives!

We were busy this fall!

Joe and Hillary shared some thoughts and insights at the Think Bigger Summit hosted by DaJuan Johnson.

Joe and Eric did an event with Brian Patacca called “Don’t Should on Yourself” with an emphasis on eliminating suffering for artists and offering them some tools to support their craft.

And finally Joe was asked to faciliate a workshop at The Actors Retreat, hosted by Ramani Leah with (virtual) attendees from all across the globe.



Joe was a recent guest on Cue to Cue with Chelsea Johnson. We really enjoyed this conversation and hope you enjoy it as well. Click here to listen: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/joe-towne-on-the-performers-mindset/id1146167010?i=100049363620


In September, Joe spoke at the Story Conference (a global gathering designed to inspire, challenge and equip artists, creators and storytellers who work in a variety of industries.)

Additionally, several members of the Mindset team helped with bringing mindset principles to the conference attendees through talks, breakouts, warmups and more to support engagement, presence, processing and flow throughout the experience.

Can’t wait for the next in person one so we can all be together!



Mindset Plus +

In early August, Eric Hunicutt, Samantha Lemole, Joe Towne & Hillary Tuck  brought a 3 hour live workshop event to the Casting Workbook community. We had artists from all over the world asking questions, experiencing bits of Mindset training and even some live coaching! We are already figuring out how we can offer something like this again.


This Spring, we rolled out multiple programs for our Mindset community: A series of DROP IN CLASSES (pay-what-you-can-for-charity), our INTRO TO MINDSET: Virtual Edition, and our ON CAMERA MINDSET (intro series.)

Toronto 2020

Eric Hunicutt, Samantha Lemole & Joe Towne brought Mindset back to Toronto! Our advanced weekend workshop was sold out, and we also did community events for  ACTRA DIVERSITY/SOCIAL CAPITAL, GEORGE BROWN COLLEGE and AMAW. We loved getting to work with actors, teachers and improvisers in a variety of formats. We are in the process of figuring out going back in the fall.


Joe Towne taught a daylong workshop for writers on the Writers Mindset: how mindset affects the creative process, impacts how we pitch our stories and whether we are cultivating the most optimal state of writing we can be in.

Jeff Fellenzer invited Yogi Roth and Joe Towne to speak at his “Sports, Business and Media” class (Wednesday Nights.) Yogi spoke about seeking and uncovering the humanity in Sports around the globe. He also screened an inspiring passion bucket video for the PAC 12 networks on John Jackson III. Joe spoke about what we can all learn from top Athletes, Artists and Executives that we can apply to our everyday lives.


Joe Towne and Hillary Tuck taught their INTRO TO MINDSET weekend course to a new group of amazing artists in Hollywood.

Toronto 2019

Eric Hunicutt and Joe Towne brought Mindset to Toronto for the first time! Our weekend workshop was at SWEET ACTION THEATRE, as well as doing community events for both ACTRA DIVERSITY/THE ASSEMBLY and SECOND CITY – TORONTO. The Performer’s Mindset offered tools applicable to actors, musicians, clown, improv and screenwriting! We are in the process of figuring out going back in the Spring.

Vancouver 2019

Joe Towne and Matt Lillard were guests on Storyteller Studio Live (to watch click here) a show for VFS/Telus.  Joe stayed on and taught the  ADVANCED MINDSET training course as a follow up to the INTRO TO MINDSET course back in the spring.

USC 2019

We were invited into USC’s professional program (through the School of Dramatic Arts) under the guidance of the incredible casting director Dan Shaner who runs the program. We introduced the principles of Mindset in an interactive experience of the Mindset principles up on their feet and applying to the audition process in the Winter of 2019.

UCLA 2019

We were invited into the UCLA professional program (through the Acting School) under the guidance of the awesome actress and coach Megan McNulty. We introduced the principles of Mindset to their process and as a result we have been asked to do a 10 week advanced acting program for UCLA’s professional program this summer. Details coming soon.

Vancouver 2019

We recently worked with a group of artists at the Vancouver Film School in Downtown Vancouver British Columbia. They came through our 3 day Actors Mindset program which covered the audition process from preparation through producers sessions on camera. We are in the process of figuring out going back in the fall.

Hollywood 2019

Deborah Aquila is an acclaimed teacher (who studied under Stella Adler) and who passionately keeps Stella’s teachings alive. She has created a studio in Hollywood (The Aquila Studio) where actors can train their craft, where they can train their voice and body and she wanted to bring Mindset training to her students as well. We created an in house program for them in Winter of 2019.

Elite 11 2018

We were invited to speak to the top 24 high school quarterbacks in the country. These talented young athletes were gathered together as part of the Elite 11, a national annual competition sponsored, in part, by Nike. They were received comprehensive training of their craft, but additionally they received training on authenticity, mindfulness training, and discovering who they are as humans outside of being athletes. We were brought in to speak to these young athletes about what it means to perform on the world stage. The entire process is televised on YouTube and the full documentary ended up on the NFL Network.

That One Audition

Joe Towne and Hillary Tuck were asked to guest on That One Audition with Alyshia Ochse. It was a bonus episode designed to get actors thinking about how their mindset impacts each stage of the audition process from the first email they get letting them know they have an audition, through their prep, time in the room and the drive home. To listen click here: THAT ONE AUDITION

Hollywood 2018

We started class in a small space in Hollywood. Our first group of dedicated artists included: actors, stand ups, improvisers and on air hosts. And we only intended to do one, before we saw the reaction. It was overwhelmingly: we need more of this. As a result, due to popular demand, we ended up doing three separate 8 week long courses last year.